Wednesday, July 8, 2009

MBOE select New Superintendent

Barbara Thompson was selected the new Superintendent for Montgomery school system, in a 4-3 vote. Of course, it doesn't come without backlash which is, the vote was race related. So, who is more at blame, the 4 black people that voted for her or the 3 white people who didn't? Like I said before, I don't personally know any of the board members, nor do I have any kids in the school system, I do however know teachers and kids who do attend MPS, and would hope that Ms. Thompson was the right person for the EDUCATION system regardless of color. If all of her credentials checked out and she was qualified, then why not her. I did read, if i remember correctly, there was at one point 49 applicants, 44 dropped out, 5 remained, 3 were weeded out, and then of the two left another dropped out also, leaving Ms. Thompson the lonely candidate. Many then wanted to start the process over....WHY? If she wasn't qualified she should've have been one of the finalist! In the end, she's in there now, like it or not.....we just have to let her get in the office before we boot her out. I wonder if Ms. Thompson is having Obama Syndrome?!?!?