Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Condoms YES or NO????

Ok so my friend found this question on Yahoo! asking "Do some guys actually LIKE wearing condoms?" The question should really read "Do people (men & women) actually LIKE using condoms?" if we're gonna be fair. Well, I pretty much knew the answer to this one without even thinking, but I went on a quest and asked some friends, who also asked some more friends, and the consensus was...... NO! Everyone said they would prefer no condom, but based on the consequences it's a MUST!!! First thing, no one is perfect, because to know you like it better without a condom, you would've had to have done it without one...right?!?!? RIGHT! That's cool, majority of everyone is in that same boat, it's just in this day in age with everyone sleeping around (men & women) you never know what you may catch, when you caught it, and who you caught it from. Don't get me wrong, definitely do you,(again men & women) but we all have to be more mindful of what's going on in the world, and more careful. Of course in a new relationship the rules are a little different, and strapping up shouldn't be a issue, seeing as how we barely know each other and things of that nature. However, in long term, say a year or more, in a "monogamous" relationship or a marriage, if either party is still insisting on a condom (not that it's a bad thing) a red flag may need to go up, as there may be more to that story (as with the yahoo story the guy had herpes and didn't tell her). Always protect yourself, don't have the mind set to think something such as a STD can't happen to you. Don't get so caught up that your brain is no longer functioning properly. Using a condom doesn't make you less of a person, it makes you a more responsible one.

For more info on STD's click here