Sunday, October 4, 2009


I recently received an email that was written by Perry Varner, which pointed out some very interesting things about the businesses here in Montgomery. One would think with the economy the way it is, businesses would be excited about the profits that could be made the during the Thanksgiving holdiay period, which is pretty big due to the Turkey Day Classic. Normally when when cities have big games (Classics & Bowls) they're pleased, because the larger the crowd the more that city will collect on taxes. With other events happening in the city now like Staycation and The Pub Crawl, makes me wonder what really is the problem with this particular time of the year. Has someone left a bad taste in the mouth of the businesses in the past, is their bad blood between the city and ASU? We'll probably never know the real reason, but check out the email by Perry below:


What it is the Problem in Montgomery?

Montgomery, Alabama there is clandestine new phenomenon happening in downtown, amidst the progression of the purposed “revitalization project“. The business owners, venues, hotels and bars duly noted representation , all who are absent of color are using their innate propensity for entitlement to openly deny the commune of young enterprising African-Americans in situations where we are the majority, especially when it comes to the assembly around Turkey Day Classic.

In the past 30 days alone, I have had more than three of the hotels and bars tell me blatantly that they rather their facility lie dormant or unused than to deal with the Alabama State or Turkey Day Classic “crowd”. They are trying to predetermine the social behavior of all black folks when deciding “not” to allow us to utilize their facilities. For instance The Embassy Suite Hotel, a Hilton family property disbanded the assembly of all Turkey Day Classic activities more than four years ago and has made no effort to reconnect with those who come to Montgomery for Turkey Day Classic. They whole all black folks accountable for less than favorable situation that happen more than four years ago on their property. Their implication is that we all conduct ourselves in a manner that is less than sophisticated or refined when in masses. The most prominent symbol of Montgomery’s downtown progression the Renaissance Hotel & Spa at the Civic Center, a Retirement Systems of Alabama property, which boast four star amenities sent a clear message last year when they created a barricade hosted by Montgomery Police Department around the perimeter of the hotel as if we were in the midst of some “Third World War” to discourage assembling, regardless of the fact that there is a public restaurant and bar in the hotel which we as local residents could not exercise our options to patronize last Turkey Day. The gesture was insensitive, insulting, embarrassing and an injustice to all black folks who are accustomed to “real” four star accommodations, martini bars and upscale restaurants that provide stellar service. The only allowance into the lobby of the hotel had to be cleared through the Alabama State University Alumni Association which is absurd. I assure you not all of the more than 30,000 people who converge on Montgomery during Turkey Day are ASU Alumni and not all Alumni are members of the Alumni association. Nobody from ASU seems to promote a prerequisite or screening process when they are collecting the tender of our hard earned money for tickets to the game at Crampton Bowl. I think it’s an insult that ASU would even comply with a hotel that is so unversed in sensitivity, tolerance and customer service to disband assembly of black folks around a holiday and a HBCU classic football game. I’ve attended many classics from the 100 Black Man Classic in Atlanta to Magic City Classic in Birmingham for more than two decades never once has the City of Atlanta, City of Birmingham or the Sheraton Hotel ;a leader in the hospitality industry ,ever treated me the way the City of Montgomery and the Renaissance Hotel did. The operative word in hospitality industry is “hospitality”; maybe Montgomery needs to take some notes from Birmingham on how to embrace black consumerism during Classic Weekend. Finally the new Alley Bar inside the Alley Way Project decided too that we were not worthy of their establishment the Wednesday Night before Thanksgiving, sending another very clear message. They all do this with no regards to protecting the integrity of their brands or with consideration to the multi-billion dollar spending power of the African-American Community. Let’s wake up Montgomery we are suppose to represent the interest of progressive black Montgomery, but we continuously submit ourselves to these standards and allow ourselves to be treated this way, for what?

What Turkey Day Classic should be is the HUGE economic impact to the city of Montgomery that it has become fueled with energy and pageantry. The restaurants, hospitality industry, venues, car rentals, convenient stores, retail, city facilities and shopping establishments all benefit like other classics in other cities from the assembly of these like-minded black folks. Instead Montgomery’s embrace is tarnished by the foolish propaganda of the “Good Ole Boy” system and people doing business as usual. When is Montgomery going to stop projecting itself to the rest of the World as the face of racism, intolerance and injustice?

While everyone in downtown is showing their “true colors” in the midst of the progress among conflict. I think it more than time for Alabama State University to show their true colors, not the ones in hues of Black and Old Gold, but the ones that will reconnect them to their purpose of being a strong vocal force, a powerhouse, a symbol of influence in Montgomery for the African American Community. Have some integrity, step up to the plate and decide that there is NO hotel, venue or facility worth our time, if they are using divisive measures to disband our assembly around such an important holiday and tradition. I assure you that no hotel in cities of Auburn or Tuscaloosa will barricade their perimeters, use selective reasoning or marginalize their fans to deem who is worthy to assemble around the Iron Bowl.

In closing to all people of the African Diaspora who will commune in Montgomery, please be more selective in whom you choose to spend your hard earned dollar with during Thanksgiving &Turkey Day Classic!

A loving Turkey Day Classic fan, concerned about the social awareness of all “black folks”.

Perry D. Varner - future millionaire & lifestyle expert

We Got There as a People, Congratulations #44, My President is Black!!!