Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Review : OTHELLO

Having read snippets of Othello and seeing the movie "O", which is based on the play, I thought I knew what to expect. Well, other then knowing that they would die, i finally got what the William Shakespeare play is all about, Trust and communication . Esau Pritchett did a good job as Othello, who believed his wife Desdemona, was cheating on him. Although he had no evidence he believed everything Iago told him. Iago, a big instigator, told him she was seeing another solider by the name of Cassio. Instead of asking Desdemona, his wife, about the situation, which was not true, he got upset and killed her. Emilia, Iago's wife, realizes what has happens and tries to explain that it was not true, but its to late because she's already dead. So, in turn Othello realizes the mistake he has made and can no longer live with himself and kills himself as well. My thing was why not just ask......why not go to her and see what the deal really is. By not asking it's makes it seem as though you believe your friends over your spouse, you know the one you supposedly love, especially when they sacrifice as much as Desdemona did. Although all the characters were acted well, the standout for me was Carolina Strong, who played Emilia, her body language, facial expressions, and reactions throughout the play were priceless. Scene stealer of the night goes to David Stewart Hudson, Clown, his first 5 minutes of dialogue, which came towards the end of the first half, killed and was totally unexpected. I would strongly recommend seeing the show if you get chance and if you don't mind characters speaking with a thick English accent. If not you can always rent "O".